Theoretical short course will take place in Ukraine and Republic of Kosovo. Course will be held by experience lecturers from AGH-UST (Poland) and UiT (Norway) and will be based on Guidelines created in 2018. Guidelines will include various innovative methods for mineral deposit exploration. Theoretical short course will try to explain methodology and their usage
in exploration. Especially the types of deposits occurring in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Kosovo and Ukraine will be considered.
There will be two editions of courses: in Republic of Kosovo which will take place around end of March 2019 and edition in Ukraine which will take place in April 2019. Duration of course will be 7 days in which 4 days will be lectures and 3 days field trips organised by consulting company in mining and metallurgical sector – Proxis.
Course is free for students of Universities from Republic of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine.
Course duration: 1 week (4 days lectures + 3 days field trips)
Place: Republic of Kosovo, Ukraine
Maximum number of participants: 20
All costs of travel and accommodation will be incurred by Project.
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